Hi everyone, Not quite ready to do a full weekly blog tonight, There were some people on the tele, kicking around a spherical bag of air that kinda got me side tracked lol x
Anyway what you really want to know is who is going to be about to ease you through Monday and get the week started in the best possible way!
Well you're in luck on that front as we have the 2 blonde stunners in today!
Millie is back! She's had such an amazing week last week, she's really enjoyed herself, keeping you entertained so she's back for more 'special requests' Monday!
Joining her is the equally gorgeous Teagan. I think it's safe to say that last week neither you guys or Teagan herself were Disappointed! Same again this week!
So don't be shy, these girls are full time content creators and your input helps them make you smile! x
The Lovely Sapphire will be around from 5pm, so if you feel like some company to end the day, you know what to do.
Please remember to check the Calendar and the blogs for more information as the week progresses.
Em xx